Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bands 'n Stuff: August 15 to August 21


Three shows this weekend from Midnight Juggernauts to support their new debut full length release Dystopia. Two (Friday and Saturday), have already sold out so if haven’t got your tix yet, then it will have to be Sunday night. Reviewers have gone nuts about this album already, and if predictions are correct, it’s quite possible they could be spending a fair chunk of time in the Northern Hemisphere, so if you want to see them, it might be your last chance for a while. Might be a bit quieter too on Sunday which is an advantage if crowds aren’t really your thing...

Wednesday the 15th

The Bedroom Philosopher + Skipping Girl Vinegar
@The Empress, 9pm, $8

Et Al + Spun Rivals + Brilliant Fanzine
@The Tote, 8pm

Henry Wagons + Ned LaMarche-Jones
@The Standard, 9pm, free

The Orbweavers + Single Twin + Ildiko's Child

@Bar Open, 8pm, free

Thursday August the 16th

It's gotta be the Brother Sister album launch tonight. They're a great little artist run label making some really interesting sounds, and those sounds will be shown off to their full potential in that nice room upstairs at Gertrudes.

Brother Sister album launch
Inquiet + ii + Poland + Kharkov
@Gertrudes, 8pm, $6

Deloris + The Small Knives + Aleks and the Ramps
@The Toff, 8pm, $15

The Rise and Demise + Foxx on Fire + Clack Train
@Revolver Upstairs

The Scowlers + Bitch Slap (NSW) + Karate Party

Space Liar + John Flannigan

The Spoils
Edinburgh Castle, free

C'mon C'mon
Telecom + Dirty Pink Jeans+ Eurobeat 3
@The Evelyn, 8:30pm

Tom Woodward (ACT) + Svavur Knatur (ICL) + Owls of the Swamp

Friday the 17th

The Batrider album's out, and sounding good, as is one from The Dust. But how can you go past the first gig at the newly-changed-hands Old Bar - an Elvis Tribute, nonetheless! With some great varied bands, from Little Red to Henry Wagons, who we've plugged in these pages.

album launch
Batrider + Dave Graney + Pets With Pets
@Gertrudes, 8:30pm

C.W Stoneking (2 shows)
@The Toff, 7pm +10pm, $20+bf

album launch
Dust + The Orbweavers + Khancoban
@East Brunswick Club, 8:30pm, $10

Elvis tribute
Dollsquad + Little Red + The Auralees + Henry Wagons + The Sound Particles + Sid O’Neil (The Vasco Era)
@Old Bar, 8:30pm, $10

Humansixbillion + Denim Owl + Seagull + Morning and the Sleepy Kids + more

Jamie Robbie Reyne and the Paradise Three + Joni Lightning + Halfway + Potential Falcon
@The Espy Front Lounge, 9pm, free

Midnight Juggernauts + Damn Arms + Young and Restless
@The Corner, 8:30pm, SOLD OUT

Peeping Tom + Silver City Highway + Redfish
@NSC, 8:30pm, $12

Saturday the 18th

Very good lineup here at the Tote, but my money's on Winterfest, at Carni. It's not far north on High St and it'll be a great, friendly little gig, with some great Melbourne acts and art and all sorts of other things as well.

album launch
Actor/Model + Aleks and the Ramps + Kamikaze Trio + Barrage
@The Tote, 8:30pm

Bitchslap + The Scowlers + Ouch! My Face
@Old Bar, 9pm

album launch
British India + You Will Die Alone
@East Brunswick Club, 8:30pm, $12+bf

C.W Stoneking (2 shows)
@The Toff, 7pm +10pm, $20+bf

ep launch
In The City + Detective Social + Boy and Girl
@The Espy Gershwin Room, 8:30pm, $10

Jordie Lane + Halfway (QLD) + Gareth Eunson and the Graveyard Sons + The Spoils (duo)
@Rob Roy, 8pm, $10

Click Click
Learn the Splits + Antony of the Future (SA) + Lover (NSW)
@Brown Alley, 9pm, $14/$10

Martin Martini and the Bone Palace Orchestra
@The Evelyn, 9pm

Midnight Juggernauts + Damn Arms + Young and Restless
@The Corner, 8:30pm, SOLD OUT

Russian Roulettes
@Pony, 2am, free

East Timor Benefit Gig
The Spazzys + Legends of Motorsport + Midnight Woolf + Little Red + Good Intentions + one more
@FitzroyTown Hall, 2pm, $10

Light Music Club + Grand Salvo + Popolice + DJs
@Carni, 7pm, $10

Sunday the 19th

Just the rock at the Tote tonight, then?

C.W Stoneking
@The Toff, 7pm, $20+bf

Midnight Juggernauts + Damn Arms + Young and Restless
@The Corner, 8pm, $22+bf

Tote Doco Fundraiser
The Casanovas + Mustang + The Great Apes + The Tash Mints + Russian Roulettes
@The Tote, 5pm, $10

Tuesday the 21st

Matt Walker
@Manchester Lane, 8pm, $7+bf


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