Monday, April 30, 2007


Unconfirmed Rumour
I've heard through the grapevine that the Salon at the Spanish Club is to close its doors in August. I assume that noise disputes with nearby residents would be the main factor.

If the news is true, this venue will be sadly missed. The Salon is large enough to support a decent crowd but it's never crowded enough to feel uncomfortable. The lighting is always bright enough as well so it's a good place to enjoy a beer (unlike the sterile East Brunwick Club for instance). I guess it also has its pitfalls as well though - the noise from the back of the room sometimes can drown out the tunes.

20 copies of the new EP from experimental electro popsters Actor/Model Gossip About Guys was stolen from their CD launch at Exile on Smith St on ANZAC Day eve. This is a big kick in the pants for a local band. According to their posts on Mess and Noise, a market umbrella and a sign outside were stolen outside and something in the games room was trashed. This suggests drunken c**ts may have been the culprits.

Splendour Side Shows
After appearing at Splendour in the Grass The Shins will be playing in Melbourne on Tuesday August 7 at The Palace (Are they groans I hear?). Tix on sale from Ticketmaster, Polyester and Palace Online from Friday 11 May for $55+bf. Support from a Kiwi band I've never heard of before - The Ruby Suns.

Neu-ravers Klaxons are playing at Billboard on the same night as the Shins at Billboard nightclub. Tix are $45+bf from Moshtix and Polyester

The Hold Steady may not actually be coming any more so no side show news for them.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

What?! The Hold Steady made that line-up, now there's no one worth seeing anymore.

2:24 pm  
Blogger Pat said:

I guess it's just an unfortunate reality that when you've got commercial considerations you can't go too ecletic with your lineup. That's why Meredith festivals are such a welcome change.

I am looking forward to seeing the Shins though. I don't mind Hot Chip either. I haven't seen an official announcement yet but apparently they're playing in Melbourne on the Wednesday after Splendour.

4:01 pm  

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